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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2019

How made the best vietnam weasel coffee hanoi

Hình ảnh
History of vietnam weasel coffee hanoi At the first time, coffee was very precious and rare. So the farmer was forbidden to use the harvested coffee. They had to pick up coffee beans in the feces of ferrets (also called Paradoxurus hermaphroditus spotted civet). French owners claim to be trashy and dirty to make their own secret coffee. The coffee beans have washed, dried, peeled, crushed, crunched, pulverized and filtered through boiling water to enjoy. Unexpectedly, coffee in the yard has a strange taste, more delicious than the coffee of the plantation owner. Since then,  vietnam weasel coffee  appeared and many known. In the world, the   weasel coffee  only scattered in a few areas. So the number of countries that can produce this kind of coffee only counts on fingertips, typically Indonesia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, … From then, weasel coffee also developed in Hanoi as many other places in Vietnam with its own special taste. How is vietnam weasel coffee h...